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#+-| M_OPEN |---------------------------------------------------------+#######
#| +--------+ Opens memo_field for reading, writing or appending text |#######
#+--| Summary |--------------+################################################
#|     #INCLUDE memo.hdr     |################################################
#+--| Syntax |----------------------------------------------+#################
#|     PROCEDURE m_open PROTOTYPE                           |#################
#|      PARAMETERS MEMO memo_field, VALUE INT memo_mode     |#################
#######+---| Description |--------------------------------------------+#######
#######| The m_open procedure opens memo_field for reading, writing   |#######
#######| or appending text.                                           |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| The memo_mode parameter establishes access rights for        |#######
#######| memo_field: read only, memo creation or appending.  The      |#######
#######| memo is assumed to be in ASCII text with lines terminating   |#######
#######| in carriage return and line-feed characters.                 |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| The m_open procedure uses a DOS file handle.  The m_close    |#######
#######| function closes the memo and returns the handle to DOS.      |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| FORCE library supports up to 255 open files at one time.     |#######
#######| Use more_handles to allocate DOS file handles.               |#######
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Copy a memo field from one record to another,       |#########
#########| *    e.g., copy from rec_num1 to rec_num2.               |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| PROCEDURE copy_memo                                      |#########
#########|  PARAMETERS ALIAS cur_database;                          |#########
#########|             MEMO source;                                 |#########
#########|             MEMO dest;                                   |#########
#########|             VALUE LONG rec_num1;                         |#########
#########|             VALUE LONG rec_num2;                         |#########
#########|             CHAR copy_buffer                             |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| *--- open both memo fields for copying                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|      m_open( source, &M_READ )                           |#########
#########|      m_open( dest, &M_APPEND )                           |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| *--- copy loop. GOTO source record, get a line.          |#########
#########| *--- GOTO dest record, write a line.                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|      DO WHILE .NOT. m_eof( source )                      |#########
#########|          !cur_database GOTO rec_num1                     |#########
#########|          m_getln( source, copy_buffer )                  |#########
#########|          !cur_database GOTO rec_num2                     |#########
#########|          m_putlin( dest, copy_buffer )                   |#########
#########|      ENDDO                                               |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|      m_close( source )                                   |#########
#########|      m_close( dest )                                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| ENDPRO                                                   |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    If a database has several memos, each may           |#########
#########| *    open at the same time.                              |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| DBFDEF z                                                 |#########
#########|     MEMO     m1                                          |#########
#########|     MEMO     m2                                          |#########
#########|     MEMO     m3                                          |#########
#########| ENDDEF                                                   |#########
#########|    {...}                                                 |#########
#########|    m_open( z->m1, &M_APPEND )    && for appending lines. |#########
#########|    m_open( z->m2, &M_CREATE )    && if memo exists,      |#########
#########|                                  && it's truncated.      |#########
#########|    m_open( z->m3, &M_READ )      && can NOT put line     |#########
#########|                                  && into memo via m_put. |#########

See Also: m_close m_edit m_eof() m_exist() m_getln ...
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson